Good evening! I understand of course that I'm asking you early, but can I inquire about the celebration of the New Year? I’d like to know prices for accommodation and meals, as well as for a New Year’s Eve Banquet and whether there will be any program. Every year we visit different parts of our country during New Year holidays, and we would like to celebrate New 2016 Year in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.... There will be at least 12 people (3 families), but more and more people are willing to join us, the final number of people depends on rates.
Hello, at the moment everything is booked for the New Year (in terms of accommodation). There will be New Year's program of course. A good piece of advice is to write to our e-mail with the request to put you on the waiting list for hotel reservation. If someone cancels their reservation, our employee will contact you. The price list can be found on our website, the prices for the New Year are still being formed (they will be formed by the end of next week).
Is it possible to buy a New Year card at the Father Frost Residence and make it reach the addressee by the New Year?
You can write a letter to Father Frost and you will get a reply letter from Father Frost.
Address: The Father Frost Residence, Kamenyuki, Kamenets district, Brest region.
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