Forest hunting farm "Vygonovskoye" GPU NP "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" is located in the center of Brest region in the north-west of the Pripyat woodland.

+375 (33) 3991939

Natural conditions of the territory are distinguished by significant diversity and richness. Due to the high swampiness and extremely low human population of the territory the typical appearance of the Polesye nature with authentic flora and fauna has been preserved.

Tectonically, the forest hunting territory is located within the Polesye saddle in the west of the East European Precambrian platform.

The modern relief formed during the Dnieper and Sozh glaciations of the anthropogen and has a predominantly lacustrine-alluvial genesis.

Wide, weakly expressed valleys and large lakes are a characteristic feature of the relief structure. In general, the topography is characterized by significant genetic diversity.

Here are moraine ridges and hills that are reminders of the activity of the ancient glacier. Vast lacustrine-boggy lowlands and plains, sinkholes in the form of bowls of modern lakes, sand dunes and hills among swamps.


Weather and climatic conditions are favorable for conducting human economic activities and organizing tourism in all seasons of the year.

Here are, as well as throughout Belarus, mild and relatively short winters, long and warm summers, and even distribution of precipitation throughout the year is similar.

A characteristic feature of the Vygonovskoye forestry hunting area is its location on the main European watershed - the Baltic-Black Sea.

There are 2 lakes on the territory of the forest hunting area: Vygonovskoe and Bobrovichskoe. Both of them are extremely diverse in area and in origin.


There is rich and distinctive flora and fauna here. Here you can find both typical Polesie species and species characteristic of tundra and forest-tundra, mountains of Central and Southern Europe.

In total, there are more than 600 species of vascular plants on the territory of the economy, which are united in 361 genera of 100 families, which is about half of the total phyto-diversity of vascular plants in Belarusian Polesie. Fauna, represented by insects, spiders, crustaceans, molluscs and amphibians, birds and mammals. An exceptionally peculiar bird world. In total, about 250 species are known on the territory of the hunting farm. In the woods there are deer, elk, roe deer, a lot of wild boar and also a wolf.

Thus, the natural conditions on the territory of the Vygonovskoye forest hunting farm are diverse and unique. Here, boggy swamps and impenetrable bogs, gloomy spruce forests alternate with high islands of primeval deciduous forests and light upright pine forests. Numerous lakes are full of fish, and many birds nests in their coastal thickets. The local forests are especially rich in mushrooms, berries and many medicinal herbs. Many rare and endangered plant and animal species have survived in forests and swamps.