» Electronic applications

Electronic applications

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The electronic applications are considered according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated on July, 18, 2011 № 300-З “About inquiries of citizens and legal entities”

Electronic inquiries of citizens and legal entities are directed to the email of the State Nature Protection Institution of the National Park “Belovezhskaya Puscha” only by means of filling in the form in the website section of “Electronic inquiries” and are considered according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated on July, 18, 2011 № 300-З “About inquiries of citizens and legal entities” (Further — the Law) (National register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, № 2/1852 dated on July, 19, 2011).

Electronic inquiries are filled in Belarusian or Russian languages.

The electronic inquiry of the citizen must contain:

  • last name, name, second name (if there is any) or initials of the citizen;
  • the address (residence place);
  • the text of the inquiry;
  • the email address of the citizen.

The electronic inquiry of the legal entity must contain:

  • the full name of the legal entity ;
  • residence of the legal entity;
  • the text of the inquiry;
  • last name, name, second name (if there is any) of the director or the person who is officially in charge of signing the inquiries;
  • the email address of the legal entity.

The electronic inquiries sent by the representatives of the applicants must have electronic copies of the documents attached confirming their authority. To cancel the electronic inquiry you should apply in the written or electronic form in the same way as the electronic inquiry was sent.

The replies to the electronic inquiries, as well as notification of applicants about leaving their electronic inquiries without consideration, about sending electronic inquiries to be considered to the organizations according to their competence, about the termination of correspondence, the prolongation of the inquiries consideration term shall be sent electronically to the e-mail address indicated in the electronic inquiry or in written form to the residence address of the citizen or the location of the legal entity in cases stipulated by the Law.

Information about counteracting corruption when citizens apply inquiries

Send an inquiry
Residence address and work (school) address
Specify the city code and mobile operator
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Send an inquiry
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By pressing the Verify Phone button and/or the Send the inquiry button, you agree to the personal data processing policy.
The fields with the asterisk are * necessary to fill in